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HIV in the arts and media news


From To
Stand Tall, Get Snapped: an exhibition of people living with HIV

Edo Zollo spent the past year photographing people across the UK who are living with HIV. His pictures can be seen at the Reading Room gallery in London – the Stand Tall, Get Snapped exhibition marks 30 years after the death of Terence Higgins, the first man to die of Aids in the UK

26 November 2012
The Guardian
Movie review: They Wouldn’t Take No for an Answer in the Battle Against AIDS

The currents of rage, fear, fiery determination and finally triumph that crackle through David France’s inspiring documentary, “How to Survive a Plague,” lend this history of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power a scorching electrical charge.

24 September 2012
New York Times
Larry Kramer's scalding ‘The Normal Heart’ comes to Washington DC

"The Normal Heart" will be playing while the 19th International Aids Conference is taking place in Washington. And it’s the fervent wish of Larry Kramer, a writer-activist who co-founded both Gay Men’s Health Crisis and ACT UP, that after all these years, the dying and angry voices of “The Normal Heart” get another chance to whisper and shout to the powerful.

06 June 2012
Washington Post
How To Survive A Plague: On ACT-UP's 25th anniversary, a Look at Activism in the Internet Age

Watching How To Survive An Epidemic cast a guiding light on my thoughts about solving those problems. ACT UP was comprised of people who suffered from a disease they could not WebMD or Wikipedia for a solution, and who communicated to the masses without platforms of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Would Millennials -- who, by contrast, oftentimes ditch protests and instead sign online petitions, 'like' pages, share viral videos and write blog posts -- have survived as activists under those circumstances?

27 March 2012
Huffington Post (blog)
Sundance Film Festival: How to Survive a Plague

Journalist-turned-filmmaker David France unveils the courageous story of the activists and scientists who fought, sometimes with each other, to strip AIDS of its death sentence label in his documentary "How To Survive A Plague."

23 January 2012
VIDEO: Egyptian film tackles HIV stigma

Egyptian director Amr Salama's latest film Asmaa stirred up a lot of hype before it opened in Egyptian film theatres last week. Based on a true story the film is about the life of an HIV patient in Egypt, Asmaa who was denied medical treatment when her disease was discovered.

04 January 2012
Cinema: An HIV patient's struggle against social stigma in Egypt

Amr Salama’s latest film “Asmaa” stirred up a lot of hype before it opened in Egyptian movie theaters last week. It won several awards after its debut at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival last October. The real controversy, however, is about its storyline: the life of an HIV-AIDS patient in Egypt.

15 December 2011
Al-Masry Al-Youm
Zhang Ziyi says China AIDS film major step forward

Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi says her latest film "Love for Life" is a major step forward for China, in that it deals with the sensitive issue of AIDS in the country.

03 November 2011
Yahoo News
New book on gay activism and HIV/AIDS

A new book released this week by research fellow at La Trobe University’s Bouverie Centre, Dr Jennifer Power, details the history of Australia’s response to AIDS with a particular focus on the role the gay community played in establishing a community-driven public health response.

22 September 2011
La Trobe University press release
Young Gays on Broadway's `Normal Heart` Revival

If “The Normal Heart” was the playwright Larry Kramer’s war cry against AIDS and apathy during its original Off Broadway run in 1985, the revival is more like a heart-tugging lesson about friendship and love under siege for people who were not alive or aware during that era.

24 June 2011
New York Times

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Community Consensus Statement on Access to HIV Treatment and its Use for Prevention

Together, we can make it happen

We can end HIV soon if people have equal access to HIV drugs as treatment and as PrEP, and have free choice over whether to take them.

Launched today, the Community Consensus Statement is a basic set of principles aimed at making sure that happens.

The Community Consensus Statement is a joint initiative of AVAC, EATG, MSMGF, GNP+, HIV i-Base, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, ITPC and NAM/aidsmap

This content was checked for accuracy at the time it was written. It may have been superseded by more recent developments. NAM recommends checking whether this is the most current information when making decisions that may affect your health.

NAM’s information is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional. Talk to your doctor or another member of your healthcare team for advice tailored to your situation.